I found my purpose – now what?

or: Why my purpose does not determine my life

There are many ways to find your calling, your purpose, the reason why you are on this earth. It’s a big piece of work, it basically means to think only about yourself, and it’s a never ending process.

I started this process with Ann Rea’s strategy last December, and it is only now that things start making a bit more sense and forming into something tangible.

Now I am standing on this earth with a couple of sentences that state which purpose I have, which calling, which reason to be here.

I know, you want to hear it, right? It goes like this: My purpose is to share my story of uniqueness and inspire others with it.

And now what?

I got carry my purpose around with me, written in a tiny booklet. Does that mean it is forever fixated in stone and dare me if I stop inspiring others… will I drop dead?

I realised that my purpose is not something that determines me, but something that I determined.

  • It’s like a street sign, it gives direction.
  • It is like an alarm, it reminds me what I stand for.
  • It is like a piece of chocolate, it makes me feel good.
  • It is like a mirror, it shows me what I am capable of.

And I have a practical example:

In my current quest to keep on exposing myself and build a network, I initiated Entrepreneur Cafe Nairobi. We meet twice a month and learn from and advice each other. One of the last meetings was hosted by a real estate and franchising company who invited us to learn about their unique business model.

The same day my sister, who visited me for the last six months was flying back home. It was a very hard decision, whether to take responsibility and be present at the meeting or take my sister to the airport.

But there was my purpose, a little written sentence in a small booklet in my pocket. How inspiring and unique will I be able to behave at a franchising company versus at the airport with my sister? There and then the decision was made: My sister comes first.

That is what I am using the knowledge about my purpose for. To help me make decisions that I now know I will benefit from more.

Did you find your purpose yet? If yes, what do you do about it now? If no, how do you make decisions? Let me know in the comments below.

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